An Extended Family Session



If COVID-19 has made me appreciate anything, it’s how important photos of our loved ones are to us. Right now there are people missing out on capturing moments that will never happen again and it really breaks my heart.

Recently I saw a post in a local group I’m in asking if there was a photographer who could capture her family, as her husband was about to start chemo treatment. Guys my heart broke right down the middle, because we were in peak Stage 4 lockdowns at the time - no one could go anywhere; photographers were actually specifically prohibited from working….😭💔.

So three generations in one photo? Photos of your parents still loving each other? Pretty special. Maybe it’s something we all took for granted before lockdown, and I hope that when we can all reunite with our loved ones who are sprinkled across Australia (and the world) that you make an effort to take as many photos as you can. But you know, bonus points for hiring a professional to take the pressure off you and make sure you’re in the photos too ♥.


Are you interested in family photography?

If you’re interested in finding out more information about a family photography experience with me, you can find more information about your investment here, or request the full pricing + info guide by hitting the button below to send me an email!


Darcy - Three months Old

